пʼятниця, 1 квітня 2016 р.

 So, let's make the Conclusion:

A vast amount of literature explored the potentialities of ICT with regards to teaching and learning languages. Dunkel (1990), for example, asserted that the possibilities of computer technology as a tool could include increasing language learners’ (1) self esteem, (2) vocational preparedness, (3) language proficiency and (4) overall academic skills. Furthermore, the benefits of multimedia, the Internet, and various forms of distance education were explored by many others. Educators were particularly interested in technology’s interactive capabilities, such as providing immediate feedback and increasing learner autonomy. Schools and colleges reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of current day society and therefore have a duty to ensure that all students are able to access the curriculum, achieving to the best of their own abilities. Students within the educational system for whom English is an additional language have very special needs which need to be addressed by teachers all educators. Using ICT to support English language learners pose challenges for teachers of how to exploit new and emerging such technologies . We as language teachers should consider new strategies in teaching but ICT without correct strategies can not help us in classroom . 

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